Pages with the most revisions
Showing below up to 50 results in range #351 to #400.
- Aristotle, The Art of Rhetoric 1.14.1374b34 (2 revisions)
- Scholium to Pindarâs Nemean 2.1 (2 revisions)
- Philochorus, quoted in Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers 9.55 (Protagoras) (2 revisions)
- Athenaeus, Sophists at Dinner 13.5.557e (2 revisions)
- Ovid, Sorrows 1.7.1-14 (2 revisions)
- Simonides, Elegy 19.1-2 West (2 revisions)
- Athenaeus, Sophists at Dinner 4.77 (175d-e) (2 revisions)
- Athenaeus, Sophists at Dinner 12.46 (533f-534a) (2 revisions)
- Anonymus, Life of Homer 2 (2 revisions)
- Ribbon Slideshow (2 revisions)
- Aristophanes, Clouds 1364-78 (2 revisions)
- Herodotus, Histories 3.121.1 (2 revisions)
- Aelian, Historical Miscellanies 2.21 (2 revisions)
- Nicolaus of Damascus, Fragments of the Greek Historians 90 F 103 (v) apud Stobaeum 4.2.25 p. 159, 4 Hense (2 revisions)
- Satyrus, Life of Euripides (2 revisions)
- Pausanias 9.25.3 (2 revisions)
- Longinus, On the Sublime 9.13 (2 revisions)
- Paus. 9.22.3 (2 revisions)
- Aristophanes, Clouds 1364-72 (2 revisions)
- Cicero, Tusculan Disputations 4.63 (2 revisions)
- Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers 2.22 (Socrates), 9.11 (Heraclitus), 2.18 (Socrates) (2 revisions)
- Suda s.v. Pindar (2 revisions)
- Nicolaus of Damascus, Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker 90 F 103 (v) apud Stobaeum 4.2.25 p. 159, 4 Hense (2 revisions)
- Aelian, Historical Miscellanies 2.13 (2 revisions)
- Eustathius on Odyssey 11.277 (2 revisions)
- Pausanias 9.22.3 (2 revisions)
- Plutarch, How a young man may become aware of his progress in virtue 7.79b (2 revisions)
- Aristotle, Poetics 3.1448a25 (2 revisions)
- Suda s.v. 'Pindar' (2 revisions)
- Aristophanes, Frogs 944; Scholion to Frogs 944; Frogs 1407-9; Scholion to Frogs 1408; Frogs 1451-3 (2 revisions)
- Eustratius, 320.38-321.1 Heylbut (2 revisions)
- Seneca the Elder, Controversies 2.2.8 (2 revisions)
- Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers 9.54 (Protagoras) (2 revisions)
- Ovid, Sorrows 4.10.53-4 (2 revisions)
- Critias 7 Edmonds, Bergk = 8 Diehl = Athenaeus, Sophists at Dinner 13.74 (600d-e) (2 revisions)
- Life of Euripides 2 (1, 13, 11 Schwartz) (2 revisions)
- Valerius Maximus 9.12.(ext.)7 (2 revisions)
- 'Dionysius of Halicarnassus', Art of Rhetoric IX βΠ11 p. 346 Us.-R. (2 revisions)
- Collections/Aeschylus (2 revisions)
- Plato, Republic 329b (2 revisions)
- Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae 167 (2 revisions)
- Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers 2.10 (2 revisions)
- Servius on Virgil, Eclogue 6.72 (2 revisions)
- Dio Chrysostom, Orations 33.11-12 (2 revisions)
- The Delphic Oracle 418 Parke/Wormell (2 revisions)
- Collections/Sophocles (2 revisions)
- Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers 2.45 (Socrates) (2 revisions)
- Plutarch, On how the young man should listen to the poets 4.19e (2 revisions)
- Collections/Lucan (2 revisions)
- Coleridge, Frost at Midnight (2 revisions)