Pausanias 9.23.3

How to quote this translation

ἀρχὴ μὲν Πινδάρῶι ποιεῖν ἄισματα ἐγένετο τοιαύτη· εὐδοκιμοῦντα δὲ αὐτὸν ἤδη ἀνὰ πᾶσαν τὴν Ἑλλάδα ἐς πλέον δόξης ἦρεν ἡ Πυθία ἀνειποῦσα Δελφοῖς, ὁπόσων ἀπήρχοντο τῶι Ἀπόλλωνι, μοῖραν καὶ Πινδάρωι τὴν ἴσην ἁπάντων νέμειν.

Such was the beginning for Pindar of making poetry: and when he was already famous throughout all of Greece, the Pythia raised him to even greater heights of fame by ordering the Delphians to give an equal part of all the sacrifices offered to Apollo also to Pindar.

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