Plutarch, On how the young man should listen to the poets 4.19e = Ixion, T iii Kannicht

How to quote this translation

ὁ Εὐριπίδης εἰπεῖν λέγεται πρὸς τοὺς τὸν Ἰξίονα λοιδοροῦντας ὡς ἀσεβῆ καὶ μιαρόν· “οὐ μέντοι πρότερον αὐτὸν ἐκ τὴς σκηνῆς ἐξήγαγον ἢ τῶι τροχῶι προσηλῶσαι.”

It is said that to those who were criticising the Ixion on the grounds that it was impious and abominable, Euripides said, ‘I did not take him off-stage, however, before nailing him to a wheel.’

Relevant guides Euripides