Harpocration, s.v. 'Homeridae'

How to quote this translation

M = reading of the whole MS tradition
m = reading of part of the MS tradition
P = reading on a papyrus
Ὁμηρίδαι· Ἰσοκράτης Ἑλένηι Isocr. Hel. 10.65. Ὁμηρίδαι γένος ἐν Χίωι, ὅπερ Ἀκουσίλαος FGrHist 2 F 2 ἐν γ΄ , Ἑλλάνικος ἐν τῆι Ἀτλαντιάδι FGrHist 4 F 20 ἀπὸ τοῦ ποιητοῦ φησιν ὠνομάσθαι. Σέλευκος δὲ ἐν β΄ περὶ βίων ἁμαρτάνειν φησὶ Κράτητα νομίζοντα ἐν ταῖς Ἱεροποιίαις Ὁμηρίδας ἀπογόνους εἶναι τοῦ ποιητοῦ· ὠνομάσθησαν γὰρ ἀπὸ τῶν ὁμήρων, ἐπεὶ αἱ γυναῖκές ποτε τῶν Χίων ἐν Διονυσίοις παραφρονήσασαι εἰς μάχην ἦλθον τοῖς ἀνδράσι, καὶ δόντες ἀλλήλοις ὅμηρα νυμφίους καὶ νύμφας ἐπαύσαντο, ὧν τοὺς ἀπογόνους Ὁμηρίδας λέγουσιν.

Homeridae: Isocrates, Helen. The Homeridae were a tribe in Chios, whom Acusilaus in his third book and Hellanicus in his Atlantis say were named after the poet. But Seleucus in the second book of his On Lives says that Crates was wrong to think, in his Ieropoiai, that the Homeridae are descendants of the poet; for they took their name from some hostages (homeroi), because once the women of the Chians, having gone mad during a celebration of the Dionysia, went to war against the men, and finished it by giving to one another bridegrooms and brides as hostages, whose descendants are called Homeridae.

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