Gallus fr. 2 = Qasr Ibrîm 78-3-11 (LI/2)

How to quote this translation

     tristia nequit[ia fact]a fact]a Nisbet, Lycori, tua.
fata mihi, Caesar, tum erunt Caesar, tum erunt P, Courtney : tum, Caesar, erunt Lyne mea dulcia quom tu
     maxima Romanae pars eris eri<s> Nisbet and Parsons : erit P historiae,
postque tuum reditum multorum templa deorum
     fixa legam spolieis deiuitiora tueis.
. . . . . ] . . . . . tandem fecerunt c[ar]mina Musae
     quae possem domina deicere digna mea.
. . . . . . . . . . . ] . atur idem tibi, non ego, Visce,
        . . ]. . . . . . . . l . Kato, iudice te uereor.
                                                          ] .
                                                          ] . Tyria
                                                          ] .

…[made?] sad because of your misbehaviour, Lycoris. My fate will then be sweet to me, Caesar, when you become the greatest part of Roman history, and when, after your return, I read that many gods’ temples are richer, adorned with your spoils…At last the Muses have made poems that I can utter, worthy of my mistress…the same to you, I do not, Viscus…Cato, fear…with you as judge…Tyrian…

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