Old Comedy

How to quote this page

M = reading of the whole MS tradition
m = reading of part of the MS tradition
P = reading on a papyrus

a. Alexis, Archilochus fr. 22 PCG (in Athenaeus 14.644b)

ὦ τὴν εὐτυχῆ εὐτυχῆ M: εὐτειχῆ Kassel-Austin ναίων Πάρον, ὄλβιε πρέσβυ,
ἣ κάλλιστα φέρει χώρα δύο τῶν συναπασῶν,
κόσμον μὲν μακάρεσσι λίθον, θνητοῖς δὲ πλακοῦντας.

a. Alexis, Archilochus fr. 22 PCG (in Athenaeus 14.644b)

O the man who dwells in fortunate Paros, prosperous old man, a land which brings forth two of the fairest things of all: marble, an adornment for the blessed gods, and flat cakes for mortals.

b. Cratinus, Archilochoi fr. 1 PCG (in Plut. Cimon 10.4)

κἀγὼ γὰρ ηὔχουν Μητρόβιος ὁ γραμματεὺς
σὺν ἀνδρὶ θείωι καὶ φιλοξενωτάτωι
καὶ πάντ’ ἀρίστωι τῶν Πανελλήνων πρόμωι πρόμωι Muretus: πρώτωι M
Κίμωνι λιπαρὸν γῆρας εὐωχούμενος
5 αἰῶνα πάντα συνδιατρίψειν. ὁ δὲ λιπὼν
βέβηκε πρότερος.

b. Cratinus, Archilochoi fr. 1 PCG (in Plut. Cimon 10.4)

And I, Metrobius the scribe, was confident I would luxuriate in sleek old age and spend time forever with a god-like and most hospitable man, the best man of all the Greeks, one at front of the battle line, Cimon. But he has abandoned me and has gone off before me.

c. Aristophanes, Peace 1298-1301

Παῖς Κλεωνύμου
ἀσπίδι μὲν Σαΐων τις ἀγάλλεται, ἣν παρὰ θάμνωι
ἔντος ἀμώμητον κάλλιπον οὐκ ἐθέλων.

1300 εἰπέ μοι ὦ πόσθων, ἐς τὸν σαυτοῦ πατέρ᾽ ᾁδεις;

Παῖς Κλεωνύμου
ψυχὴν δ᾽ ἐξεσάωσα—

κατῄσχυνας δὲ τοκῆας.

c. Aristophanes, Peace 1298-1301

Son of Cleonymus: Some Saian glories in my shield, which I left near a bush unwillingly, a blameless piece of weaponry.
Tryagaeus: Tell me, you little weiner, are you singing to your father?
Son of Cleonymus: I have saved my life…
Trygaeus: ...but dishonoured your parents.

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