Aristophanes, Frogs 840; Scholium to Frogs 840; Acharnians 457; Scholium to Acharnians 457; Acharnians 478; Thesmophoriazousae 385-7, 455-6

How to quote this translation

i) Aristophanes, Frogs 840 = T 24 Kannicht

M = reading of the whole MS tradition
m = reading of part of the MS tradition
P = reading on a papyrus

AΙΣΧ. ἄληθες, ὦ παῖ τῆς ἀρουραίας θεοῦ;

Aeschylus: Is that so, child of the arable goddess?

ii) Scholium to Aristophanes, Frogs 840 = T 24 Kannicht

τῆς ἀρουραίας θεοῦ· ὅτι λαχανοπώλιδος υἱὸς ἦν Κλειτοῦς ὁ Εὐριπίδης ὅτι λαχανοπώλιδος υἱὸς ἦν Κλειτοῦς ὁ Εὐριπίδης m : ὅτι δὲ λαχανοπώλιδος υἱὸς ἦν (ὁ) Εὐριπίδης, Ἀλεξανδρός φησιν m. εἴρηται δὲ·

ἄληθες, ὦ παῖ τῆς θαλασσίας θεοῦ Eur. fr. 885 Kannicht. Probably a reference to Achilles, whose mother was the sea-nymph Thetis.;

Child of the arable goddess: because Euripides was the son of Cleito the vegetable seller. And he has said:

Is that true, child of the sea-goddess?

iii) Aristophanes Acharnians 457 = T 25 Kannicht

ΔΙΚ. εὐδαιμονοίης, ὥσπερ ἡ μήτηρ ποτέ…

Dicaeopolis (to Euripides): May you fare well, as your mother once did…

iv) Scholion to Aristophanes, Acharnians 457 = T 25 Kannicht

σκώπτει αὐτὴν ὡς λαχανόπωλιν σκώπτει αὐτὴν ὡς λαχανόπωλιν m: σκώπτει αὐτὸν ὡς λαχανόπωλιν ἔχοντα μητέρα m, τὴν Κλειτώ τὴν Κλειτώ om. m.

He is making fun of her because she was a vegetable-seller, Cleito.

v) Aristophanes, Acharnians 478 = T 26 Kannicht

ΔΙΚ. σκάνδικά μοι δὸς μητρόθεν δεδεγμένος.

Dicaeopolis (to Euripides): Give me some chervil which you have received from your mother.

vi) Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazousae 385-7

ΓΥΝ. Α βαρέως φέρω τάλαινα πολὺν ἤδη χρόνον

προπηλακιζομένας ὁρῶσ’ ὑμᾶς ὑπό
Εὐριπίδου τοῦ τῆς λαχανοπωλητρίας!

First woman: I am wretched and for a long time have had trouble tolerating the sight of you bespattered with mud slung at you by Euripides, the son of a vegetable-seller!

vii) Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazousae 455-6 (about Euripides)

ΓΥΝ. Β ἄγρια γὰρ ἡμᾶς, ὦ γυναῖκες, δρᾶι κακά

ἅτ’ ἐν ἀγρίοισι τοῖς λαχάνοις αὐτὸς τραφείς.

Second woman: For he does us wild wrongs, ladies, because he was reared among wild vegetables.
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