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Aeschylus, ''Agamemnon'' 1629-32 = Orph. 946 Bernabé  +
Aristophanes, ''Frogs'' 1030-6 = (in part) Orph. 547 Bernabé  +
Aristotle, ''On the Generation of Animals'' 2.1, 734a16 = Orph. 404 Bernabé  +
Aristotle, ''On the Soul'' 1.5, 410b27 = Orph. 421.I Bernabé  +
Cicero, ''On the Nature of the Gods'' 1.107 = Orph. 889 Bernabé  +
Clement of Alexandria, ''Stromateis'' (''Miscellanies'') 1.21.131 = (in part) Orph. 1110.II + 876.V + 1018.III Bernabé  +
Damagetus, ''Palatine Anthology'' 7.9 = n. 2 1379-86 Gow/Page = Orph. 1071 Bernabé  +
Diodorus Siculus, ''Bibliotheca Historica'' 4.25.1  +
Diodorus Siculus, ''Bibliotheca Historica'' 5.64.4 = Orph. 519 Bernabé  +
Euripides, ''Iphigenia at Aulis'' 1211-15 = Orph. 948 Bernabé  +
Hesiod, ''Theogony'' 22-34  +
Hippias of Elis, 86 B6 Diels-Kranz = ''Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker'' 6 F 4 = Orph. 1146 Bernabé  +
Iohannes Philoponus, Commentary on Aristotle ''De Anima'' 186.24 Hayduck = Orph. 421.II Bernabé  +
Josephus, ''Against Apion'' 1.12.1 = (in part) Orph. 882.II Bernabé  +
Phanocles, fragment 1 Powell = Stobaeus, ''Eclogae'' 20.2.47, IV 461-2 Hense  +
Pindar, ''Pythian'' 4.176-7 = Orph. 899 Bernabé  +
Pindar, fragment 128c 11-12 Snell-Maehler = Orph. 890 Bernabé  +
Scholion, Apollonius of Rhodes ''Argonautica'' 1.23, pp. 8-9 Wendel = Orph. 896.I + 907 + 1010.II Bernabé  +
Scholium, Pindar ''Pythian'' 4.176 = 313a Drachmann (II.139.15 Drachmann = ''Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker'' 12F 6a) = Orph. 899 + 1044 + 912.III Bernabé  +
Seneca, ''De consolatione ad Heluiam matrem'', 18.4-5  +