Proclus, Life of Homer 4 = Orph. 871 Bernabé

How to quote this translation

4 Ἑλλάνικος FGrHist 4 F 5b = fr. 5 Fowler δὲ καὶ Δαμάστης FGrHist 5 F 11b = fr. 11 Fowler καὶ Φερεκύδης FGrHist 3 F 167 = fr. 167 Fowler εἰς Ὀρφέα τὸ γένος ἀνάγουσιν αὐτοῦ. Μαίονα γάρ φασι τὸν Ὁμήρου πατέρα καὶ Δῖον τὸν Ἡσιόδου γενέσθαι Ἀπέλλιδος τοῦ Μελανώπου τοῦ Ἐπιφράδεος τοῦ Χαριφήμου τοῦ Φιλοτέρπεος τοῦ Ἰδμονίδα τοῦ Εὐκλέους τοῦ Δωρίωνος τοῦ Ὀρφέως. Γοργίας δὲ ὁ Λεοντῖνος 82 Β 25 D.-K. εἰς Μουσαῖον αὐτὸν ἀνάγει.

4 Hellanicus, Damastes and Pherecydes trace his descent back to Orpheus. They say that Maeon, Homer’s father, and Dius, Hesiod’s father, were sons of Apelles, the son of Melanopus, the son of Epiphrades, the son of Chariphemus, the son of Philoterpes, the son of Idmonides, the son of Eucles, the son of Dorion, the son of Orpheus. Gorgias of Leontini traces his ancestry back to Musaeus.

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